Dixmor Drying Weep Mizer

SKU DX1000

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Dixmor Drying Weep Mizer

Brand: Dixmor

Sensor Color: Gray

Power Required: 120 VAC

Voltage: 24 or 120 VAC

Output 1 Operation: Programmed for N.O. Valve, N.C. Optional

Output 2 Operation: Standard On/Off Switching

Maximum Fuse: 3 amp

Works With: DXTP50A, DXTP50D

Complete with 50' temperature probe. Eliminates "free" rinsing. Cycles your weep system on and off for maximum dollar savings. Continuous display of outside temperature for your convenience. Automatic secondary function controlled by rise or fall of temperature. Easy manual override of automatic operation for either output. Use of multiple sensors possible, Weep system controlled with coldest. Built-in "FAIL SAFE" program for peace of mind operation. Easily programmable with two push buttons. Maintains memory of time that temperature was below turn on point, time water actually ran, in hours, high and low temperature since last reset.